There is a new home for all that play in OCX times, that beautiful gmt+8/10
The Brotherhood of Bogans are now officially recruiting and looking for Cmdrs to join us
We are Australian based community opening out doors to the Elite Dangerous community for a place that any oceanic based player can call home. We are also an Imperial based squadron throwing our support behind The White Templars. We are aiming to take part in all types of content that Elite has to offer.
Our main source of content are as follows
- BGs - Our main faction is the adopted "The White Templars", after the PMF has being abandoned many years ago
- Powerplay - We are an ALD (Arissa Lavigny-Duval) squadron, Defending her interests
- AX - one of the most active and organised Australian squadrons regarding anti thargoid
- Mentoring - helping new players and giving them a supportive home
- Community Goals
- Organised CQC
- PvP
- Social events
So if you are flying alone out there and need some Aussie support, drop me a line in game, join our squadron in game, Contact us here in inara or even ask for our Discord code so you can drop in for a chat.
We look forward to winging up with you soon
Let our home be your home, Today
We welcome all commanders
Came and
Bask in her glory