Name: 1st TCTF Joint Squadron
Allegiance: Alliance
Language: English
Timezone: UTC
Members: 130

Related minor faction: Terran Colonial Forces
Supported minor faction: Terran Hydraxi Corporation
Supported minor faction: Reorte Mining Coalition

In-game name:
  • PC1st Terran Colonial Task Force [TCTF]
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About 1st TCTF Joint Squadron

1st TCTF Joint Squadron formed in 3305 in Eranin with aim to allow subsquadrons coordinate operations as combined Joint Task Force of Terran Colonial Forces faction. Some of the squadrons in TCTF have more than 20 years of service and are also active in Alliance Joint Navy.

            Parent Faction organization           
                 Joint Squadron              


Squadron ID 301st 
Nickname: TCEagles aka Terran Colonial Eagles
Ship ID: 301TCF
Leader: John "crashbx" Kelbor
Second in command: Kryptoria
Requirements: Elite Combat or Elite Trade or Elite Exploration
Activities: PVP, BGS, Anti-Xeno, Mentoring, currently operating under 1st Terran Colonial Task Force Squadron
Description: 301st TCEagles are one of the oldest squadrons in TCF with more than 15 years of service. This squadron is known for its heroic acts and fighting against all odds and their motto is "Who dares wins !"

Squadron ID 317th 
Nickname: Scythers
Ship ID: 317TCF
Leader: Komaros Rex
Second in command: Leviathan 
Requirements: Elite in everything, polish speaking
Activities: PVE, PVP, BGS, currently operating under 1st Terran Colonial Task Force Squadron
Description: Ex Mercenaries who fought side by side in war in Omicron cluster with 301st TCEagles. Their origin is from old nation of Poland and are keeping the tradition of Polish culture.             

Latest squadron members

DerhawkTBElite IEdmund Mahon
HansturismoBrokerEdmund Mahon
Andy_LeeElite IPC
Milen4oElite IIIPC
SANITIETAElite IEdmund Mahon
Ragnar BlackhandEntrepreneurPC
SPEED PRIESTPioneerEdmund Mahon
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