Name: Stellar Transport Dominium
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Members: 1

In-game name:
  • PCStellar Transport Dominium [STD3]
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About Stellar Transport Dominium

In the vast reaches of space, one group of gamers banded together to form the most epic squadron in the galaxy: the Stellar Transport Dominium. And what brought them together, you might ask? Their shared disdain for a certain someone: Kevin.

But while their hatred for Kevin was strong, their love for space combat was even stronger. Led by the enigmatic Inubis, whose ship was powered by the sheer number of fucks he gave on select topics, the Dominion set out to fight the Thargoids, the enemy that threatened all they held dear.

Brandy, the squad's resident badass, was always ready to wreck faces and hulls alike.

Uni, the magician of the group, could make enemy ships disappear with a flick of his wrist (or because enemies hate him).

Guided, meanwhile, was all about the punny ships, staking her spacial identity on the cleverest puns she could come up with.

And then there was Srii, the one who always seemed to get stuck in the worst possible places. But even Srii's mishaps couldn't bring down the Dominion's morale, especially not when they were united in their hatred of Kevin.

Kevin, the bane of their existence, was constantly annoying them with his subpar fighting skills and irritating voice. But the Dominion soldiered on, blasting their way through Thargoid ships and emerging victorious time and time again.

Their trusty vessel, Karen, carried them through the depths of space, never once betraying them (unlike Kevin). And even though they loved to hate on their least favorite squadmate, the Dominion knew that they were stronger together than they ever could be alone.

So here's to the Stellar Transport Dominion, the galaxy's most badass squad of gamers. May they continue to fight the Thargoids, pun their way through space, and hate on Kevin for all eternity.

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