Name: People's Party of Heverty
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC
Members: 3

Related minor faction: People's Party of Heverty
Supported minor faction: Communist Interstellar Union
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About People's Party of Heverty

For over 4 years, the People's Party of Heverty has led the hard working masses of this great system to not only unprecedented productivity, but also a complete and utter end to Imperial slavery. After dislodging the Heverty Empire Party from power, it has become a constant and persistent effort to maintain the freedom of labor and the concept of the labor theory of value onto all exchanges coming in and out of the system. As a result, within just the past year we have seen more than 250% productivity increase; along with increased living standards and happiness overall.

Squadron missions

Defend our sovereignty
Location: Heverty
Mission type: Mixed

Latest squadron members

bonkus donkusMerchantPC
GrezkevElite IVPC
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