Name: Aegis Archons
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC
Members: 5

Related minor faction: Aegis Research
Related minor faction: Aegis Imperium
Supported minor faction: Aegis Core

In-game name:
  • PCAegis Archons [AGIS]
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About Aegis Archons

"The stars incline us, they do not bind us."

Lovers, fighters, researchers, explorers; we are the Archons of Aegis.

We support the Tri-Superpower organization of Aegis led by Professor Alba Tesreau. Based out of PMD2009 48 we operate across human space to aid in research, defending humanity, and denouncing shadow organizations such as "The Club".

Seeking the unknown, the mystery, the wonder. We are semi-casual players who enjoy the lore and mysteries of Elite.

Come stop by if you are interested in getting to know us better.
Aegis Archons Discord

Founders of the Aegis Reforged Coalition.
Aegis Reforged Coalition

1) Player must be of at least 18 years of age and sufficiently mature.
2) Player must be free from other Elite: Dangerous organizations.
3) Player must agree unconditionally to our code of conduct.

Code of Conduct:
1) Do not fire on unarmed or defenseless CMDRs.
2) Do not start conflicts with other squadrons without permission from the Admirality Board.
3) In any and all circumstances, or where you might be unsure, follow Wheaton's Law.

Latest squadron members

XenosAurionElite VPC
Treemanboy1Elite IIIPC
Olk AElite IPC
LiveWeyerElite VPC
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