Name: Blackwood Scientific Corp
Allegiance: Independent
Members: 3

In-game name:
  • PCBlackwood Scientific Corp [BWS1]
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About Blackwood Scientific Corp

A primarily scientific organisation, backed by Aisling Duval and devout to the betterment of the Empire.
Following the doctrine of compassion as laid out by the enigmatic Princess Aisling Duval, Blackwood Scientific Corp provides valuable data about Xenobiology, trade and strengthening the good word of the Princess.

A splinter cell of militia called 'The Saphire Wolves' operates as a mercenary and security contingent to protect Imperial and humanitarian interests and the protection of humanity.

Latest squadron members

Renzo Espino-DuvalPathfinderPC
Mikhail KhedimovBrokerPC
Marcienne BlackwoodElitePC
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