Name: Revolutionary Liberation Army
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC
Members: 1

Related minor faction: United Revolutionary Workers' Party
Supported minor faction: Communist Interstellar Union

In-game name:
  • PCRevolutionary Liberation Army [RELA]
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About Revolutionary Liberation Army

Vanguard of the Proletarian Revolution

The Revolutionary Liberation Army is the armed wing of the United Revolutionary Workers' Party, a Trotskyist political party originating from Kadroa. We are at the forefront of the class struggle, fighting the forces of the bourgeoisie, aristocrats, the clergy and autocrats.

Origins & Objectives

Our origins lie in the fact that those that enforce, serve the interests of those in power. And the proletariat is not in power across the galaxy. To that extend, the party has formed the Revolutionary Liberation Army to act as a counter to enforcers of those that exploit and/or oppress the proletariat. Thus, our primary objective is to facilitate the spread of Trotskyist thought and to act as the vanguard of the proletarian revolution.

Our secondary objective is to provide support for our comrades across the galaxy outside of the boundaries where our party is present. This is facilitated through Communism Interstellar.


Our primary activity is working the BGS (Background Simulation) to ensure that the United Revolutionary Workers' Party spreads across the galaxy as the beacon of Trotskyism, gathering support for our Revolutionary Manifesto. This is done by supporting the party through elections, fighting armed opposition in conflicts and various other means. Due to the nature of how the BGS works, nearly all gameplay activities can be redirected to support the party. This thus means that we are open to all types of players. We can work out how you can help the party, all the while thus letting you do what you love.

Secondly, being established by veterans, this squadron also can help new players to discover what the game offers. Our members have connections to various communities and through them, a repository of knowledge is available for those seeking mentoring.

Discord Server
(Contains the Revolutionary Manifesto and other important information)

Latest squadron members

YumasaiElite IIIPC
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