Name: The Terran Merchant Marines
Allegiance: Empire
Members: 3

In-game name:
  • PCTerran Merchant Marines [TTMM]
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About The Terran Merchant Marines

The Terran Mercchant Marines are like the US Merchant Marines and Teamsters of old earth rolled into one. We specialize in the moving of freight and security for our fleets. All our Mariners might be peaceful truckers but they all know how to fight if push comes to shove. We have miners and explorers all over both in and out of the bubble. So if you want to see far off places, Meet new and interesting people, and seeing the worlds then being a Mariner is for you. If you are just starting out then we have a program to help you out. We will pick you up in a carrier and assist you into your first Python. Then after that we will help you get the type 9 and then your very own cutter. Once you get to the type 9 stage we have a program where you can easily make 200-500 million in an evening working with a wing. Please submit all applications to us here or on our Discord

Latest squadron members

Landshark61Elite VPC
Shot out of NowhereElite VNakato Kaine
BTSU_SlayerElite IIIAisling Duval
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