Name: Via Lactea Vetus Milites
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC
Members: 4

In-game name:
  • PCVia Lactea Vetus Milites [VLVM]
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About Via Lactea Vetus Milites


The Via Lactea Vetus Milites, or "Veteran Soldiers of the Milky Way," is a veterans squadron, renowned for their experience, discipline, and unwavering loyalty to the galaxy. Our membership is composed primarily of pilots who have seen countless battles and weathered countless storms, our faces etched with the lines of time and the scars of war.

While our name suggests a focus on the past, the Via Lactea Vetus Milites is anything but antiquated. We are a highly skilled and adaptable squadron, equipped with the latest technology and always on the cutting edge of combat tactics. Our pilots are experts in everything from dogfighting to capital ship combat, and they are renowned for their ability to execute complex maneuvers and outmaneuver their enemies.

The squadron's motto, Tempus non est nostrum, reflects our philosophy of living in the moment and seizing every opportunity. The belief that time is a precious resource, and that it must be used wisely and effectively, is etched in our souls. This philosophy is reflected in the approach to combat, which is characterized by a relentless pursuit of victory and a willingness to take risks.

Despite our trigger-happy demeanor, the Via Lactea Vetus Milites is a close-knit community. We value camaraderie and loyalty above all else, and we are always willing to help a fellow pilot in need. Our members are united by a shared love of adventure and a deep respect for the galaxy in which we live.


VLVM (tag =VLVM=), emerged from the ashes of all and any galactic war that had ravaged our galaxy for centuries. Countless soldiers found themselves adrift, their purpose and identity inextricably linked to the battles they had fought. Many of these veterans, disillusioned with the political machinations that had led to the war and the subsequent instability, struggled to find their place in a galaxy that seemed to have forgotten them.


It was amidst this climate of uncertainty that a group of former commanders, united by their shared experiences and a deep-seated sense of duty, conceived of the Via Lactea Vetus Milites. Their goal was to create a sanctuary for veterans who had lost their way, a place where they could find solace, camaraderie, and a renewed sense of purpose. The ultimate goal: to build the ultimate utopia for their kind.


The Via Lactea Vetus Milites are guided by a set of core principles:

Honor and Respect: They hold the traditions and values of their military service in the highest regard, fostering a culture of respect for all veterans, regardless of their rank or background.
Loyalty and Brotherhood: The organization emphasizes the importance of loyalty to its members and the creation of a strong sense of brotherhood among veterans.
Service and Protection:VLVM is committed to serving the needs of their members and protecting them from harm. They provide a variety of services, including counseling, housing, and job training.
Independence: While they may cooperate with other factions and organizations, VLVM maintains a degree of independence to ensure that their interests are always protected.


VLVM engages in a variety of activities, including:

Mercenary Work: They offer their services as mercenaries to factions and individuals in need of protection or military support.
Security Contracts: They provide security services for settlements, stations, and other infrastructure.
Exploration and Salvage: They undertake exploration and salvage missions to generate income and resources for their members.
Community Outreach: They engage in community outreach programs to help veterans reintegrate into society and find new opportunities.

VLVM became a respected force in the galaxy, guided by their military prowess and their unwavering commitment to the welfare of veterans. We will continue to play a vital role in shaping the future of the Milky Way as long as we stand.


Latest squadron members

Terra.NovaElite IPC
Die_volkerElite VPC
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