Name: Lifestream Pact
Allegiance: Alliance
Power: Edmund Mahon
Language: English
Timezone: Central Time (US & Canada)
Members: 11

Related minor faction: Lifestream Pact
Supported minor faction: Lifestream Pact

In-game name:
  • PCLifestream Pact [ESNC]
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About Lifestream Pact

Welcome to the Lifestream pact.

We are a collection of space nerds and friends both old and new. All are welcome here in the Lifestream pact. We were set up to help one another, and any allies we make along the way.

We play in Private groups primarily but can occasionally be found in open play. We do not condone ganking or piracy of other players, as we prefer to foster a positive experience for everyone in our community. We welcome explorers, bounty hunters, traders, anti-xeno soldiers and even a xeno lover or two! Whatever you want to do in Elite, we welcome diversity! This includes any timezone you may be from too, Even our founding members can be found around the world. ~

Meaning of the Name

The name Lifestream Pact stems from the ideology espoused by one of our founding members, whom is sadly no longer with us, having passed away in 2023.

“Close your eyes. Imagine yourself as a figure made of soft, ordinary gray clay. You exist at the bottom of a dark and slowly moving river. Think of the water. Feel it wash over the clay. Shine a light upon that figure of clay and you will see it erode. A band of grey wisping away from it in the eternal flow of water... It is formed of the gift of essence from our parents, and then it is worn away by the ceaseless flow of time that is the Great River. The lifestream.

Where we are in the river may determine how fast the water flows. Events around us may make the water turbulent, and the clay may be worn away faster, or obliterated entirely. We may harden ourselves against the waters, but we will always bear the loss of some clay. Against the flow of the Lifestream, the River of Time, we have little power."

Where our power lies is not to refuse the loss of our Life Essence, but to determine what shape the flow of time leaves our figure, and how we help to shape the clay of those around us.

The shape of our clay helps determine how fast it's worn away, and how well it endures the storms and wild currents that sometimes rush by us in more challenging times. Our experiences are the gift of time and are tools that allow us to shape ourselves to the lives we wish to lead, and how strong we will be for the challenges to come." ~Alps Sarsis

Why should you join the Lifestream Pact?

We have experienced players willing to join you in whatever you may wish to do in Elite. We support each other and can provide you advice to help you get started, improve, or just be another player to chat with!

Home System.

We are based out of Para Indra and have multiple carriers that move around as needed. We are not expansionist, and do not seek conflict with other player groups, but are looking to expand into systems that are not currently controlled by active player factions. It gives us something to do, and goals to drive us!

Join us and let us revel in the dawn of a new day together.

Important Rules

• No Griefing other players. We do not condone piracy.
• Treat one another and others with respect. We do not tolerate bigotry, hate speech, nor any form of prejudice. Free speech means the government can’t censor you, it does not mean we have to allow it in our squadron.


We are open to potential coalitions. Some players may assist in your wars or join trade runs when they are available! We are an alliance squadron and will not assist in taking territory controlled other alliance factions, but anyone else is fair game!

Latest squadron members

Space golemElitePC
Mischief and MayhemDirectionlessPC
Aurora VeliusElite IIPC
Rin MoritaTrailblazerPC
THEO PSYEntrepreneurPC
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