Name: Sirius Government
Allegiance: Independent
Members: 3

In-game name:
  • PCSirius Government [SSSG]
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About Sirius Government

The fortune teller rattling bones in her simple hut, the smiling insurance salesman with his snakeskin briefcase and the data analyst with his interactive holographic model are all selling the same thing: certainty. One of the paradoxes of human existence is that we crave the freedom to be spontaneous, thinking it is essential to our nature, while constantly seeking reassurance that nothing unexpected is going to happen. We flatter ourselves with the belief that we are exempt from the rules of modelling that govern the rest of the universe.

Li Yong-Rui's master's thesis on the innate human reluctance to accept behavioral predictability

We are focusing primarily on BGS and Powerplay

Latest squadron members

AIDSkillzElite IIPC
Glial2Elite IIIPC
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