Name: Neon Frontier
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC
Members: 1

In-game name:
  • PCNeon Frontier [N3ON]
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About Neon Frontier

Welcome to Neon Frontier – A Squadron Like No Other

Tired of Elite Dangerous feeling like a second job? Looking for a squadron where you can actually relax, explore the stars, and embrace your inner rebel without being told what to do? Neon Frontier is the squadron for you! We’re here to carve our own path through the galaxy, all while having a laugh and living by our own rules—no grind, no pressure, just freedom.

Who are these jerks?
We’re a group of laid-back pilots who value freedom, exploration, and a good dose of sarcasm. Our leadership is led by the ever-humble Idiot in Chief, who’s more about keeping things chill than barking orders. No need for complicated hierarchies here—we believe in respect through action, not titles. Think of us as the ragtag band of misfits who would’ve run with Johnny Silverhand in Cyberpunk 2077, and maybe even caused a few headaches for the Deus Ex crowd.
We roam the galaxy with no strict allegiance, but we’re sympathetic to the Alliance because they’re the least bossy of the bunch. That said, we won’t take hostile actions against them, but we’re not officially tied down either. Independence is what it’s all about here. We’re also not big on ganking—consensual PvP only—because who has time for drama in space?

So what makes you oh so different, choom?
  1. Freedom: We’re here to enjoy the game, not to turn it into a never-ending to-do list. Want to go on a solo exploration mission to the far reaches of the galaxy? Do it! Feel like spending a few days trading or bounty hunting? Go for it! We’re not going to chase you for activity or bug you with BGS obligations.
  2. Fun, Not Work: A lot of squadrons feel like they’re more concerned about credits and rankings. That’s not us. We’re here to kick back and have a good time. No one’s going to ask how quickly you can grind for a Fleet Carrier. We’re more interested in your stories and what cool things you’ve found in the galaxy.
  3. No Discord? No Problem!: Hate having 15 different notifications going off on Discord all the time? We get it. We prefer to keep things simple with the occasional Steam Chat and in-game comms. Perfect for those on Linux or the Steam Deck. No need to be always “on” in some busy server—this is a squadron for people who like to game without constant chatter.
  4. Inclusive and Chill: We welcome everyone from LGBTQIA+ to anyone who just wants a stress-free, welcoming environment. We have a strict no-harassment policy. Basically, don’t be a jerk. And if someone crosses the line, the Rogue Phantoms will handle it.
  5. Ranks with a Twist: Forget stiff, military-sounding ranks. We’ve got the Idiot in Chief at the top, the chillest leader you’ll ever meet. Then there’s the Rogue Phantoms, the mysterious old hands of the squadron, followed by Edge Runners who keep things going. As for regular members? We call them Freelancers because you’re free to do your thing. Newbies? You’re a Nookie—but hey, that’s better than “recruit,” right?

Join Us! Or don't, it's all ok!
If you’re after an easygoing squadron that puts fun and freedom above all else, hit us up on! We’d love to hear from you, and we’ll get back to you as soon as real life allows (because we get it—life comes first).

So, if you want to be part of a squadron that’s all about exploration, tech, rebellion, and keeping things light, Neon Frontier is your next stop in the galaxy.

Latest squadron members

RawnuElite IIPC
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