Name: The Mori Clan
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC
Members: 1

In-game name:
  • PCThe Mori Clan [MOCL]
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About The Mori Clan

The Mori Clan is a nomad megaships and fleet carrier based group of people who are trying to survive in this harsh universe living on the "Hagakure Kikigaki" and "Go Rin no Sho" principles. Renown warriors and weaponsmiths they working as a mercenary force to whoever is worthy of it.

The last four years Mori Clan was contracted to be the military force of Orion Republic bubble periphery independent faction. Contract ended in 3310 and now Clan moved to Empire space contacted by Arissa Lavigny-Duval office representatives to conduct peacekeeping missions and reinforce Empire Fleet when needed.

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