Name: Legion Expeditionary Force
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Members: 25

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About Legion Expeditionary Force


The Legion Expeditionary Force is a community dedicated to not only exploring, trading and BGS'ing all the amazing areas of space, but exploring, trading and BGS'ing them together.  Why? Because it's more fun when you're with friends.  So if you believe in this concept, and share our point of view, then you are more than welcome into our fold.

As a group of pilots we rely heavily on one another, thus making the LEF a strong, brotherhood type community.  Our mission is to explore the galaxy as a group of friends instead of going the distance alone.  There is no one pilot that decides when and where LEF travels to or what LEF does.  Everyone in LEF has a voice and a say in what LEF does, and where LEF goes.

If you'd like more information drop by the history section of our wing page here on inara, for a look at exactly what we do.

Here's some of the things you can expect to do in LEF:
-Participate in expeditions
-Participate in lucrative trade routes with dividends from other wing mates
-Learn Cartography and data input into the LEF Archive
-Co-lead expeditions
-Plan and Lead your own designed expeditions
-Join with fellow LEF members to own community goals

Here's some of the things we specialize in as coordinated explorers, traders, and BGS's:
-New Explorer Training Operations
-Ship Placement Assistance
-Well Organized Expedition Planning and Research
-Data Collection and Distribution for Lore driven game facets
-Trade Route Sharing
-Massive wing dividends

Here's what we Require for membership:
-Must have a mic
-Must be okay with in group banter (friendly trash talking)
-Must be respectful of other members
-Must Participate in mandatory BGS events (When our allies need help we answer)


For Recruitment Contact CMDR MISTA Loon or CMDR smudge30


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