Name: Furry Pilot Fleet
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Members: 155

Related minor faction: Astrobiology Research Cooperative
Related minor faction: Prometheus Astro-Logistics Corporation

In-game name:
  • PCARCs Warden Offworld Operations [AWOO]
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About Furry Pilot Fleet

Welcome to the Furry Pilot Fleet,
ingame known as ARCs Warden Offworld Operations.

The biggest Elite Dangerous Furry community!

What started as a humble group of 15, we have thrived into a large community of like minded individuals from the furry fandom. As it turns out Furries love space! And we have since thrived to 350+ members. We are made up of species of all kinds ranging from mammals, lizards, to the aquatic and even the occasional thargo- I mean Insect!
I hear there's a melon in there somewhere too, but they don't bite :3

If you are a furry and love Elite as much as we do we would love to have you as part of our Squadron. Though our Inara roster does not reflect all our members so far our discord is much larger. So hop in, join us, come say hi and sign up for our private group by speaking to 'Squadron-Leader JamesTheFox'. We only ask that you be from the Furry Community and an Elite player.

We will help you to find what you need, so your journey can continue. Be it guidance for your Sidewinder, or an allied CMDR to reach the outer regions of the galaxy!

We have a zero tolerance policy against dishonourable behavior as being primarily a PvE group. Be nice, be kind, be helpful, but more importantly be sure to have fun!

Enjoy your stay and fly safe CMDR.

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