Name: Diamond Frogs
Allegiance: Independent
Members: 725

Related minor faction: Diamond Frogs
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About Diamond Frogs

"The Galaxy Calls for Wet Work, and Nobody Does Wet . . . Like a Frog."

Performing an honest day's work for food, and killing only for money, the enigmatic band of mercenaries known as "Diamond Frogs" appeared in the latter half of 3301, a year future historians will surely agree is "when it hit the fan."

Led by the charismatic (and probable war criminals) Kermit "Big Frog" Laphroaig, Darth "Bling Bling" Blingcowski, and the legendary Worldship refugee known as the Space Texan, the Diamond Frogs are available for hire. They have laid claim to a small area of space they've dubbed the "Goat-Xihe Cluster," and an agent or  contact of theirs can be easily found around there.

The Frogs' chief import is alcohol and narcotics, their main export is REVENGE. And coffee. They really like coffee.

Hiring the Diamond Frogs

If you'd like to contract the services of the Diamond Frogs we can be contacted discreetly via email. Rates will be provided upon contact.

Want more evidence of what we can do? Watch our streams here

If you are interested in joining the Diamond Frogs:

We do not openly recruit into the Diamond Frogs.

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