Name: Elite Torval
Allegiance: Empire
Power: Zemina Torval
Language: English
Timezone: UTC
Members: 6

Related minor faction: Torval Strategic Services
Supported minor faction: Imperial Nagas
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About Elite Torval

Greetings Commanders, you are most welcome!

Elite Torval is the Frontier Developments recognised Powerplay Group Group for to Senator Zemina Torval, the Empire’s mining and trading power. If you want to make money in the Empire then we are the group for you! We also offer a variety of activities and training for new or veteran Commanders including Background Simulation (BGS) manipulation and Powerplay whilst those looking for a more combat orientated experience can benefit from our BGS military operations. All activities are voluntary and you are free to participate in whichever you wish and as your time allows.  

Membership is open to Commanders from all platforms, all time zones. For more information or to become a member then simply ask in the #public_tearoom channel on our discord by following this link… Elite Torval Discord

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