Name: The Hellfighters
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Members: 14

Related minor faction: The Freedom Flotilla
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About The Hellfighters

The Hellfighters were created as an independent, highly flexible squadron that could operate autonomously and covertly from The Freedom Flotilla's primary fleet.  Initially formed in early 3304 during the height of the Thargoid Incursion into the bubble, it's primary purposes were anti-xeno operations and to clear the way for expansion during regional conflicts that year. After a few successful months, the Flotilla had expanded into neighboring systems, and the Thargoids were in retreat. No longer needed, The Hellfighters remained an official squadron but were deactivated.  With a new regional conflict brewing, The Hellfighters were reactivated on Jan 06, 3306, on the orders of Gideon Ryker, The Freedom Flotilla's Commander.

Our Faction is The Freedom Flotilla. We are based at Nasmyth Dock in the LTT 11485 system.

Our Xbox Private Group is: Dumbster Jr