Name: Seekers of Zen
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC
Members: 91

Related minor faction: PLOID

In-game name:
  • PCSeekers of Zen [TSOZ]
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About Seekers of Zen

Disillusioned with the ideologies of the Federation and Empire, and believing the Alliance to be entirely incompetent, a small group of independent pilots banded together in an effort to bring stability and common sense back to their system. Now under the guidance of what they call the “PLOID” (Present Leader of Independent Dictatorship), they seek to bring a sense of zen to systems they inhabit.

Real Talk: We're a casual group of people that just like to hang out and fly together, shoot things, explore the galaxy, and get into some lighthearted shenanigans. Originally the community sprung up around the "Zen Cast" interactive podcast run by YouTubers/Livestreamers CMDR Plater and Paroxsym.

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