Name: Sirius Inc
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC
Members: 100

Related minor faction: Sirius Inc
Related minor faction: SI Terraforming
Supported minor faction: GalCop Colonial Defence Commission

In-game name:
  • PCSirius Inc [SINC]
  • XBSirius Inc [SINX]
  • PSSirius Inc [SINC]
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About Sirius Inc

Currently, we at the Sirius Interim National Council operate like a public-benefit corporation (with a board of directors, and internal promotion of active/competent members). However, we encourage the free exchange of ideas by members and non-members alike. Our activities range from local BGS (background simulation) interactions to deep-space exploration. We hope that you'll visit us on our Discord Server!

(Please allow up to 72h for us to process squad applications and private messages)


We are an independent, democratic offshoot of the Sirius Corporation. Born of practical necessity, the Sirius Interim National Council (Sirius INC) has brought order and prosperity to many frontier systems. We are also a founding partner of GalCop, and will vigorously defend our allies.

In 3302, we began our long march to the Pleiades nebula. Before reaching that goal, Sirius INC was viciously attacked by Aegis Research. This recently-disbanded organization had a long record of alleged human rights abuse and other criminality. We evicted Aegis from numerous stations in pursuit of truth, justice and player agency.

In 3304, we achieved a player-driven community goal event with help from our allies, allowing us to construct and maintain a flight-operations megaship. This was classified as Dionysus, which links the bridge between the known bubble and the Pleiades Nebula.

In 3305, we fought no less than four victorious wars in Delphi. Aegis was soundly defeated, and Sirius INC assumed control of Delphi (their HQ), which we held proudly for 3 years.

In 3307, our Oracle star-port located in the Delphi system suffered an extreme malfunction after being damaged by a Thargoid caustic enzyme during an incursion and began tumbling towards the Delphi 5 a planet. With the help of independent pilots and our system emergency crews, we evacuated thousands and re-established orbital alignment control.

  • We research the Background Simulation (BGS) and in-game phenomena to share this knowledge with the public
  • We embrace sound policies, scientific progress, and sustainable expansion
  • We seek diplomatic engagement and cooperation with all fellow players
  • We promote our registered factions (Sirius INC and SI Terraforming)
  • We support our coalition partners in war and peace


From the tourist traps of Irandan to the Dionysus of HIP 17044, Sirius INC has something for everyone.

Squadron missions

Latest squadron members

MelliakElite VAisling Duval
TornadoGcElite IPC
Sumi EliasMerchantPC
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