Name: Accidental Pirates
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC
Members: 13

Related minor faction: Accidental Pirates

In-game name:
  • PCAccidental Pirates [DOOR]
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About Accidental Pirates

While essentially a salvage operation, the activities of Accidental Pirates are quite broad. Explorers seek out salvage oppurtunities, traders deliver goods and combat pilots protect assets. Following involvement in salvage and rescue efforts from stations targeted by recent xeno attacks, they have also expanded into passenger transportation.
The faction name derives from a pilot named Jay Harper, charged with piracy for attempting to salvage a derelict warship. His lawyers argued that as no markings were visible and Harper followed all prescribed guidelines, he was at worst an ""accidental pirate"" and successfully sued for compensation. The phrase stuck, and was adopted by this faction.
- Faction Lore as it appears In-Game See Documents for more...

We are part of the Pilots Coalition.

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