Name: 1st Matyar Combat Wing
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Members: 7

Related minor faction: Myakka Minutemen of Matyar
Supported minor faction: Delta Squadron

In-game name:
  • PC1st Matyar Combat Wing [1MCW]
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About 1st Matyar Combat Wing

The 1st Matyar Combat Wing is the open hand, or the closed fist of the Myakka Minutemen of Matyar. The Minutemen began as a cadre of pilots from the Federation, Empire and the Alliance, defending the interests of the terraforming colonists of Matyar A4. Once the Minutemen had established their authority as a local governing body, the Matyar Confederate Navy was created, and the 1st Matyar Combat Wing was formed as the direct-action element of the Matyar Confederation of Planets.

The 1st MCW performs operations in the Matyar system as well as those other systems where the Matyar Confederation project power or influence. As the reach of the Minutemen extends to other stations and systems, the 1st MCW will be there providing security and creating an environment conducive to prosperity for those that support the Matyar Confederation.

Our members are made up of family, friends and neighbors.

Latest squadron members

Sketch OrionisDirectionlessPC
Andromeda Orionis
Bravo OrionisElite VNakato Kaine
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