Name: The 46th and 2nd Galactic Regiment
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: Mountain Time (US & Canada)
Members: 136
Related minor faction: The 46th and 2nd Galactic Regiment
Supported minor faction: The 46th and 2nd Galactic Regiment
In-game name:
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: Mountain Time (US & Canada)
Members: 136
Related minor faction: The 46th and 2nd Galactic Regiment
Supported minor faction: The 46th and 2nd Galactic Regiment
In-game name:
- PC46th and 2nd Galactic Regiment [46A2]
- XB46th and 2nd Galactic Regiment [46N2]
About The 46th and 2nd Galactic Regiment
We accept any and all who look to engage in the cornucopia that the galaxy has to offer. 46N2 is relatively laid-back about a lot, only real rule is
No Combat Logging.
Pretty simple, if another Commander is about to kill you, you either High-Wake away or take the Rebuy.