Allegiance: Empire
Power: Aisling Duval
Language: English
Timezone: London
Members: 182

Related minor faction: ELITE UNITED WORLDS
Supported minor faction: Wadj Wen As One

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Elite United Worlds [EUWC] We are the Imperial Patrons of the Ekono Control Sphere and represent the billions of imperial constituents across the settlements and stations we inhabit within the Ekono Control Sphere and beyond where we act by the political will of those citizens of the Empire, at the pleasure of the Empire we are a part of and our Princess Aisling Duval.

Led by the Senator of Ekono, [EUWC] is a coalition of those imperial citizens that have pledged loyalty to our Princess and dedicated our support through membership in the Elite United Order to promote her cause in the space she has so mercifully placed us. We are the inheritors of the Ekono Control Sphere where we radiate the light of Princess Aisling Duval from the brilliant sapphire marble of Ekono A, our earth-like home orbited by the most impressive Imperial Shipyards in the region, and our prize, Lundmark Terminal, center of the Ekono Control Sphere. Bask in Her Glory!

Commanders wanted by the Empire and opposing power players be warned; We respect fair play but acknowledge it is a very dangerous galaxy!

Squadron culture In real life we are a group of gamers who want to engage with other like-minded gamers and have fun in a game we enjoy.  Some of us only casually play Elite in our rotation of entertainment while others of us live and breathe it and have EUW fashioned coffee mugs. Both types of gamers are welcome here and everyone in between - We have never been convinced that in-game activity requirements are beneficial to the well being of our members.

What is the like-mindedness we’re speaking of?  The [EUWC] is organized on the principle of helping the members of our organization get the most out of their game experience, learning as much as possible, and helping each other reach the ranks of the Elite across all categories. Our members are anxious to help one another and often sacrificing the immediate goals of the squadron to help a squadron member in distress or just teaching each other the mechanics of some part of the game. We organize learning events as often as possible but really this is almost always happening in one way another in an unorganized form as well.

There is no one aspect of Elite we are entirely focused on but as a member of an Imperial Squadron headquartered in the Sphere Control System, Power Play and background simulation activities will factor heavily into who takes positions of responsibility and authority in the squadron and in general, guide the direction of our play and objectives. To wear the Crest of the Elite United Order potential members should be prepared to conduct themselves as Imperial representative of our Princess, Aisling Duval in accordance with the standards and ethics of our squadron.

Our membership includes commanders from countries around our world (mostly our world), including Brazil, Denmark, Canada, France, Germany, Great Britain, Korea, Mexico and the USA, to name a few!

New commanders and long time players curious to learn and participate in Elite's dynamic Powerplay system and manipulate the intricacies of the background simulation for the advancement of Aisling Duval should post an application here explaining their game experience and reason for applying as well as applying in game.

We are thankful for your interest.

Long Live the Emperor!

The release of this information has been sanctioned by the Elite United Worlds High Council 
Please post your application here to be accepted to our squadron and remember to post in game as well..
Verify your commander with Inara and join our
A link to our Discord server will appear below when you have been accepted here.