Name: Militia of Madmen
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Members: 11

Related minor faction: Militia of Madmen

In-game name:
  • PCMilitia of Madmen [MMMS]
  • XBMilitia of Madmen [MMMS]
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About Militia of Madmen

Formed after the fallout of 'Operation Valentine', the Militia is made up of ex Imperial and federal pilots that were fed up with being treated like disposable heroes by either of the main powers and decided to forge their own path as independents.

With strong friends and allies on all sides of the political landscape we are free work with who we want, to help our friends that require our aid and to call upon them in times of need.

As a group we welcome all on any level who wish to make their home amongst the stars in a fed and imp free zone!

We have a wealth of knowledge in all aspects of the game from BGS to xeno defense to help new and novice pilots and create a fun and pleasant place play.

A lot of our pilots have families so we operate a IRL first Policy. We actually care about the health and mental well being of our CMDR's inside and outside of the game!


Have fun! We are here to have fun and play with like minded people so our goal is to make it as fun as possible.

Leave your ego/drama at the door! Nothing ruins everyone's fun like drama or an over inflated head so don't bring that with you. Also if you have a problem with someone let leadership know in a PM.

Everyone's roles are important! That means you may be a kickass PVP player or a bgs master but, you are both equally important don't be a jack nut.

2) Pitch in! Nothing ticks a player off more than when someone sits on their hands and won't help in a wing mission help as much as you can. We don't care if you only have a cobra you want the credits, help haul.

Don't be a Blue Falcon(look it up if you don't know what it is)! That's right screwing over your fellow squadmates will not be tolerated. Example if you are sworn to someone and one of your squadmates is sworn to someone else don't blow them out of the black for those 10 merits.

3) We are equal opportunity! We don't care about race, sex, or orientation we insult all equally. Btw we constantly quote from movies like Super Troopers, Airplane, Monty Python  and such so if you find these offensive….this may not be the group for you.

4) Real Life comes first! This should be a no brainer but, sadly it isn't to some.

Try to keep politics,religion and stuff like that to a minimum! We know some things are going to leak out and that's fine but keep it to a minimum or pm people we don't need that drama.

5) No combat logging! That is bad other than that our ROE's are pretty straight forward if E.D. has it, it's allowed (premium ammo, heal beams etc…)

If you think you are Mad enough to join please do via this page with a few words about why you would like to join and what you like to do in game
Once you are accepted, you shall receive an invite to our discord!

We are open to working with Allies but if you do want to work together please write why you want to when proposing!

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