Name: Colonia Magistrates
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC
Members: 32

In-game name:
  • PCColonia Magistrates [COLM]
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About Colonia Magistrates

We are a casual Squadron of Commanders living around the wild west of Colonia. Theres NPC pirate sc*m causing trouble everywhere.

Join the Colonia Magistrates, we will deputize you and commission you to pass judgment on this filth and take out the trash in the Haz Res sites of Colonia.
Regular missions and jaunts to piracy Hotspots will take place. Happy shooting Commanders, Colonia needs you.

Our home system is "Centralis" near Colonia.

We do not engage in any Powerplay as a Squadron. Any member of the Colonia Magistrates is free to do Powerplay on their own.

We have Cmdr's all over the Galaxy at all Ranks and style of gaming. We have many Cmdr's that have not even been too Colonia, Some members team up to do there own thing. we dont have many rules but the rules we do have must be followed 100% and they are :-

Do not use Cheat-Tools
We will not tolerate any player that uses cheats. If we find out about someone using cheats, we will kick that player from the Squadron and report this to Frontier.

Do not kill innocent Commanders
We will not tolerate the bad sport called "ganking". It is okay to engage in PVP. It is okay to do some Roleplay and attacking an other Commander with this. But we will not tolerate the action of players that kill other Commanders just to have fun without any context. We will also not tolerate Players that camp in Engineer just to wait for a noob kill.

We do have a dedicated forum and discord channel for members if you so wish to use.

So if you new to the game and what a little help to make your 1st Million or 2, or a well seasoned Elite Cmdr just want to team up with like minded players, We could be the Squadrn for you.

Latest squadron members

Humperdoo ExplurphyElite VPC
Etho TriumElitePC
SnokenElite VPC
Cmdr J. JamisonElitePC
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