Name: Zahariel Resource Inc.
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: Amsterdam
Members: 1

In-game name:
  • PCZahariel Resource Inc. [ZREI]
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About Zahariel Resource Inc.

Zahariel Resource Inc. is a Colonia based corporation specialised in prospecting, resource acquisition and logistics.

The headquarters is located at Bisley Landing in Benzaiten.

Flagship of the corporation is the Zerzura, a Nautilus class carrier equipped with all available facilities, stationed as a freeport in Eol Prou PC-K C9-221.

ZREI mission statements:
Prospect - Finding and mapping resource hotspots near Colonia
Provide - Mining resources to sustain the economy of Colonia
Deliver - Ensuring the flow of goods to and from colonial systems
Maintain - Keeping the infrastructure of Colonia in working shape
Protect - Defending the interests of the greater populace of Colonia against inner and outer forces

Additionally ZREI is home to the Colonia Emergency Response Force (CERF):
Rescue - Finding and helping those in distress, lost, sick or injured

Latest squadron members

TharrnElite VPC
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