Name: Dragon Guard High Council
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Members: 3

Related minor faction: Dragon Guard
Supported minor faction: The Elite Dragons

In-game name:
  • PCDragon Guard High Council [DGHC]
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About Dragon Guard High Council

The Dragon Guard is an organization pledged to defend returning Explorers, the weak and helpless.

Formed in 3305 after Pilots returning from Distant Worlds 2 need assistance returning to the bubble with all their exploration data, the Dragon Guard provides safe systems for explorers to cash in their data, reoutfit their ships, have a drink at one of our many bars and restaurants and relax before heading out into the black again. Thanks to all independent commanders who recently joint forces with us to defeat the Great Evil that was plaguing the Mitanja System. Now we can focus again on defending Humanity from the Thargoids and providing repair support to explorers in the Black.

Join us on the Fleet Carrier Karak Castle to check out our outrageous buy prices and discount sales on Odyssey Materials.

Join us on discord at:

Or join us in game on squadron: Dragon Guard High Council (DGHC)

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