Name: Colonial Outer Planet Alliance
Allegiance: Federation
Power: Zachary Hudson
Language: English
Timezone: Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Members: 21

Related minor faction: Colonial Outer Planet Alliance

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About Colonial Outer Planet Alliance

The Colonial Outer Planet Alliance (COPA) is a loosely affiliated network borrowing or associating under a core common ideology for the Federation that started its life as a labor union or advocacy group, fighting for the interests of inhabitants of the Bubble, often in direct conflict with larger superpowers with the Empire and the Alliance. The Colonial Outer Planets Alliance have cells based at stationall across the bubble.

The Colonial Outer Planet Alliance (COPA) is described as either a sociopolitical movement, or a terrorist network, according to the superpowers that don't support the cause. Because of its decentralized structure and the range of activities by groups claiming affiliation, both descriptions have more than a little basis in fact. The statement that it's decentralized n egates the assertion that it has a headquarters.

While the Colonial Outer Planet Alliance consists of various cells and associated movements, SINISTERxR0GUE has attempted to organize those he holds influence with into a provisional government and retain the chief administrative position.

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