Name: Galactic Alliance
Allegiance: Independent
Members: 16

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About Galactic Alliance

════════ .:: WHO ARE THE GALACTIC ALLIANCE? ::. ════════                              


The Galactic Alliance is a community of cooperative Elite Dangerous players.  We will have our own faction in the game soon and are looking to establish friendly relations with surrounding player factions.

As a community, our main goal is to unite cooperative players and help those players in need. We strive to achieve specific in game-goals such as Wing missions, faction growth (Background simulation), mining for wealth, rank progression, and ship upgrades.  We recognize there are hostile player groups in the game and we want to stand against those who would bully smaller factions.  (If your faction is being pushed out of systems by a larger faction, please let us know and we may come fight in your Conflict Zones or provide other assistance!)

Our Squadron focuses on helping members learn the game, build wealth, and gain better ships and upgrades.  Stronger players means a stronger squadron!  If you have just begun your ED experience, please reach out to us if you need help or have questions.  If you are an established pilot, please help those that are new.  We all had someone who helped us in the beginning and we want to give back.  ED is a game with many facets, often unrealized until later on, and we want to share our knowledge and learn from each other.

In addition to learning the game, we want to see growth!  Highly engineered ships are a must to combating the hostile forces in space and for that you need credits...lots of them.  We have an active mining community, with dedicated mentors, that can help you reach a level of wealth you haven't consider possible.

We are a friendly community and we are not looking for pointless conflicts, but we will defend our own and those that can't defend themselves.

To join the Galactic Alliance, submit a request in the game and one of our pilots will respond quickly.  We welcome all space travelers and look forward to exploring space together!

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