Name: Voice of the Forgotten
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC
Members: 3

In-game name:
  • PCVoice of the Forgotten [VCE1]
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About Voice of the Forgotten

Voice of the Forgotten is a squadron focused on installing local factions as the government of as many systems as possible.  This is done with the belief that a government native to a system will better understand the needs and situation of the inhabitants, and thus will be able to govern far better than some massive interstellar organization.

Players of any skill and power alignment are welcome, as long as they are willing to forgo their own political preferences and work for the goals of the squadron.  Whether you wish to see system governments made local, or simply enjoy political shenanigans without caring who you work for, this is the place for you.

The common people have been forgotten in the search for galactic power.  It is time for them to speak.

We will be their voice.

Applications should be submitted through Inara.  They are far more likely to be noticed that way.

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