Name: Lost Boys
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: Amsterdam
Members: 4

Related minor faction: Lost Boys

In-game name:
  • PCLost Boys [LBAA]
  • XBLost Boys [LBAA]
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About Lost Boys


In the year 3302 there was a group of freelancers all interested in illegal smuggling. One of these freelancers, while lost on the outskirts of the bubble discovered the Motilekui system and the smuggling missions that it was offering. It was from here during the smuggling boom years of 3302, 3303 and 3304 that the freelancers made their living doing smuggling operations out of the Motilekui system. Long range smuggling out of Motilekui was at that time little known about. Smuggling was very profitable in those early years and the profits obtained in Motilekui were almost as good as smuggling from the infamous Ceos and Sothis Systems.

All was well with the group until in the year 3304 when the authorities put a galaxy wide clamp down on high profit, illegal smuggling operations. The lost boys smuggling group, with their credits now drying up decided to change their ways and go straight. Instead of doing illegal operations they started doing legitimate operations to make their living. But they needed a new home, so they looked for one in the Motilekui area. They found Mason Enterprise in the Havans system and started doing their now legal operations from there.

In 3303 a very high ranking official and his wife (Anita) assisted the authorities to hide the secret of Salomé, a secret that could not be disclosed and is still to this day classified information. As a tribute to them for what they did, in January 3305 the authorities renamed Mason Enterprise to Anita’s Legacy. The lost boys group were made keepers of the secret and were commissioned to remain in the Havans System to protect the legacy.

In the year that followed it was observed by the group that there were ever increasing amounts of incursions by other factions into the Havans area of space. The group decided that they would need a fighting force to combat these incursions. The fighting force ‘Lost Boys’ Squadron was formed and all members of the squadron took the oath to protect and defend Havans/Anita’s Legacy and prevent the system/legacy falling into the hands of enemy forces.

We are the ‘Lost Boys’ squadron supporting the Lost Boys faction and we fly under the tag LBAA. We do both PvE and PvP to protect our faction, our home, our system and the secret of the legacy.

Latest squadron members

Baz FawltyElitePC
James BombedElitePC
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