Name: Ace Pilot Association
Allegiance: Independent
Members: 7

Related minor faction: Ace Pilot Association
Supported minor faction: Ace Pilot Association

In-game name:
  • XBAce Pilot Association [Ace9]
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About Ace Pilot Association

The Ace Pilot Association was created in 3306 with the intent to join commanders that wish to have a more relaxed approach to the experience of Elite Dangerous. Commanders on this squadron range from PVP, explorers, miners, traders and anyone wishing to have fun and enjoy playing with friends.
There are no requirements to join, however we do NOT condone combat logging, game exploits, cheating, disrespect to other members etc, in and out of the game.
Willing to help out new commanders and welcoming all of those that just want to relax and fully enjoy the game.

Latest squadron members

Mr Oggie BoogieEliteXB
Kable NYCEliteXB
Admiral CruiseEliteXB
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