Name: Interstellar Proletarian Vanguard
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC
Members: 8

Related minor faction: Citizen Party of Adju
Supported minor faction: Truku People's Party
Supported minor faction: HIP 91085 Union

In-game name:
  • PSInterstellar Proletarian Vanguard [IPVN]
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About Interstellar Proletarian Vanguard

Interstellar Proletarian Vanguard
Est. 30 - 01 - 3306

What is the Interstellar Proletarian Vanguard?

The Interstellar Proletarian Vanguard (IPV) is an associate faction of Communism Interstellar (CI), a dedicated background simulation player group, and we essentially serve as the PS4 wing of CI. We are based in the HIP 91187 system, our goal is to unite communist players on PS4, and work together to bring communism to as many systems as we can.

Why join us?

If you are a communist player (or are just looking for a regularly active squadron) on PS4, that alone is a good enough reason to join, but there are many other benefits too!
  • By joining the IPV, you are by extension joining CI; one of the oldest player groups in Elite: Dangerous, an experienced player group that has over 100 members in total.
  • You will have access to the Communism Interstellar discord server, where we plan our strategies for fomenting revolutions, maintaining our current territories, and expanding our factions into more star systems.
  • You will be joining a player group that understands the background simulation like no other; and will be able to utilise our definitely not self-aware AI, Enosis, which is used to plan and co-ordinate our BGS work with maximum efficiency.
  • You will be joining a group with optional opportunities for RP immersion in terms of ship naming conventions, IDs, uniforms, and ranks. If that's not for you, you're still welcome to join and stay as independent as you like!
  • You will be joining an active group with over 20 members that usually has an active party chat on a daily basis.
  • We're not only looking for experienced pilots, new players are more than welcome to join, as we offer mentoring from our Commissar for Education.

What are the requirements for joining?

To join the IPV, you can apply to join our in-game squadron at any time as a Sympathiser. To become a Comrade, and be accepted into the squadron, you should join the CI discord server, provide proof (a screenshot) showing that you are allied to any communist faction (though preferably the IPV), and agree to follow the IPV Regulations.

If you yearn to liberate the galaxy from the clutches of capitalism, then join the Interstellar Proletarian Vanguard! Join our in-game squadron (Interstellar Proletarian Vanguard [IPVN]), and the Communism Interstellar discord today!

Latest squadron members

Reid6Jenna3Elite IPC
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