Name: Delta Velorum Corporation
Allegiance: Alliance
Power: Edmund Mahon
Language: English
Timezone: UTC
Members: 6

Supported minor faction: Hooriayan Democrats

In-game name:
  • PCDelta Velorum Corporation [DEVA]
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About Delta Velorum Corporation

Delta Velorum Corporation is an industrial company founded in the year 2780. It is specialised in mining and refining minerals. Over the years it has developed into a larger industry that provides the Bubble with all kinds of resources. We keep expanding and looking into other ways to help mankind survive. Our goal is not only to help our members, but to help everyone. Delta Velorum Corporation is independent. Neutral to both the Empire and the Federation. As of the year 3304, Delta Velorum Corporation helps out the new commanders to get started in the milky way, if you want to earn your money via mining, bounty hunting or whatever other way. Our members will always be happy to help you out. Together we stay strong.

Latest squadron members

Admiral FeelsMerchantPC
DaveXDEADMostly PennilessPC
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