Name: Red Veil Syndicate
Allegiance: Pirate
Language: English
Timezone: UTC
Members: 8

In-game name:
  • PCRed Veil Syndicate [RVES]
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About Red Veil Syndicate

„Change is a sudden, violent and necessary force to ensure a system can return to a state of balance.
The Red Veil is the instrument of this change.“

The Red Veil Syndicate (RVeS for short) is an association of pirates, freedom fighters and other criminal CMDRs.
The Syndicate rejects any form of government, therefore their core business is to liberate the colonized worlds from their oppressive governments.
Each member is equal, so there no real hierarchy and every member is part of the decision making process.

The RVeS got no home or headquaters, they wander from system to system to liberate them and live a nomadic life with their fleetcarrier "Nassau" as mobile operation base.

While the BGS Play and piracy is our core business we mostly enjoy every part of the game, we even got a small anti xeno wing.
The important thing is - with everything we do we are staying on the wrong side of the law and against the ruling government.
Another importan thing is - we are no gankers.
The robbing of players should always be a fair game for everyone, when they commit and follow our instructions no one needs to get harmed.

Some history:
The RVeS was founded by Ruby Greyman, Dashel Jamison and Chad Skunk in the beginning of 3306.
The three pilots observed that with the thargoid invasion at hand, the super powers strived to be even more hungry for control.
"We have machines working in full symbiosis with smart AI meaning the output potential and accuracy compared to human labor is unmatched,
yet millions of our people succumb working their whole life in mining facilitys. The wages are so low that even purchasing food can become a problem.
And what about all the slaves that are being traded, stuffed into small metal boxes? Who can truly say it was their own decision.
These super powers have brought us nothing but pain and its the vision of the RVeS to change this system that hurts all of us."
The RVeS pilots will therefore move from system to system, establish free ports and support local groups whose intentions coincide with theirs.

Our rules:
  • No killing without reason (ganking)
  • No combat logging
  • Open only (excluding engineers / guardians)
  • No support for alliance, federation, empire (except PP modules)
  • RVeS information and that of allies are to be regarded as secret and may not be passed on to outsiders

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