Name: ARES Military Logistics
Allegiance: Empire
Power: Aisling Duval
Language: German
Timezone: Berlin
Members: 15

Related minor faction: ARES Military Logistics

In-game name:
  • PCARES Military Logistics [ARES]
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About ARES Military Logistics

ARES Military Logistics is a private military company with main tasks like bounty hunting, mining and exploration.

We are currently carrying out several operations to consolidate our influence in the KUKI AN system and prepare for expansion.
We gladly welcome new people who want to support our cause. We have a community where mainly German is spoken, but we also welcome interested people and friends in English. Just write us and we will be happy to invite you to our Discord.

Latest squadron members

Alphabeta GammadeltaElitePC
Darwin DarlBrokerPC
Vektar RisabMerchantPC
SmokzzMostly PennilessPC
Sam HochleitnerMerchantPC
Tiberius AuronTycoonPC
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