Name: Steel Wolves Aegis Tactical
Allegiance: Federation
Power: Jerome Archer
Language: English
Timezone: Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Members: 20

Related minor faction: Steel Wolves Aegis Tactical

In-game name:
  • PCSteel Wolves Aegis Tactical [STLW]
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About Steel Wolves Aegis Tactical

Main Activities
BGS (bounty hunting, trade, missions)
Archer Powerplay
System Colonization (when released)

Back Story
In the year 3303 following the increase sightings of alien craft as well as increase border confrontations between Federal and Imperial factions, the Steel Wolves Aegis Tactical corporation was founded. This multi-faceted corporation, built by former Federal naval officer, goal was to provide both security and transportation of needed goods to the border regions. The Steel Wolves Aegis Tactical made it a point to hire former federation personnel from the local populace to build confidence in the corporation's ability to serve the Federation people.

Having such a talented pool of federal officers, the Steel Wolves Legion was formed. Their purpose being the paramilitary arm of the corporation. The Steel Wolves Legion functioned as both security for the corporations merchant divisions, but also as a policing force for local federal governments. They soon built a reputation that also drew in military contracts from the Federal Navy in operations against both the Thargoid and Imperial incursions into federal space.

About the Steel Wolves

The Steel Wolves is a collection of pilots who enjoy a relaxed aspect to playing Elite Dangerous, but all have the same goal in mind; To carve out a federal bubble out on the outer rim of habitable space. Our pilots enjoy activities from watching npcs become space dust to making credits through trade and shared wing missions. We are a new pilot friendly squadron in which we will help train pilots in various aspects of the game as well as ship design.

Steel Wolves Current History

Year 3307
After assisting the Steel Wolves Aegis Tactical in securing their capital, the pilots of the Steel Wolves Legion turned their focus on expanding the corporation's influence into near-by systems. Through the course of the year, the corporation has been able to dominate the markets in 13 systems with goals of continuing the spread of their influence in the mainly lawless regions of space on the outer rim of the civilized bubble.

Year 3308
While the Steel Wolves Legion continued to surpass expectations with the addition of 6 new systems added to Steel Wolves Aegis Tactical's corporate control and another 8 where they had influence, the end of the year turned things into tumult. Thargoid maelstroms appeared within the human civilized bubble. Taranis being the closest and the Thargoid onslaught from that epicenter put 3 systems under heavy assault. The pilots of the Steel Wolves Legion have been hard pressed to hold off the tide while evacuating civilians from these endangered systems.

1) Player must be of at least 18 years of age and sufficiently mature.
2) Player must be free from other Elite: Dangerous organizations.
3) Player must agree unconditionally to our code of conduct.

Code of Conduct:
1) Do not fire on unarmed or defenseless vessels.
2) Do not start conflicts with other squadrons without permission from the Galactic Command.
3) All squadron business must be conducted in OPEN PLAY only. Individual trade maybe conducted in Group Private Session.
4) Combat Logging is prohibited at all times, and evidence of this will result in termination from Steel Wolves Legion.

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