Name: 42nd Imperial Enclave
Allegiance: Empire
Power: Aisling Duval
Language: English
Timezone: Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Members: 6

Related minor faction: 42nd Imperial Enclave

In-game name:
  • PC42nd Imperial Enclave [42IE]
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About 42nd Imperial Enclave

The 42nd Imperial Enclave wants YOU!

We are a group of somewhat older (not necessarily mature) gamers that are looking to expand our ranks. Our squadron focuses on PVE activities, and while we are currently working in support of our Minor Faction in the Djiruach system, we also conduct additional operations outside of the Background Simulation, which include:

  • Carrier Expeditions outside of the bubble
  • Bug-Stomping trips to the Pleadies
  • Visiting Guardian Space to collect that sweet, sweet alien tech
  • Supporting Princess Aisling Duval's "peaceful" conquest of inhabited space

Been playing Elite since day 1? Just picked it up with the release of Odyssey? Doesn't matter! The only hard requirements we are:

  1. You have to be over 18.
  2. Don't be a dick.

If you are looking for a relaxed squadron full of friendly faces, then our group of knuckledraggers is for you! Feel free to send a request to join through Inara and tell us a little bit about yourself. You can also head over to our Discord, and let us know what it is you are looking for in a squadron.

Note: Unverified and/or empty Inara applications will be rejected.

Fly safe-ish, Commanders. o7

Latest squadron members

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