Name: The Knights Of Orion
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC
Members: 49

Related minor faction: The Order of Orion
Related minor faction: Orion Solutions
Supported minor faction: Orion Arms Technology
Supported minor faction: Outlander Flight Wing

In-game name:
  • PCThe Knights of Orion [KGHT]
  • PSThe Knights of Orion [KGHT]
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About The Knights Of Orion

                                                                                                                            fides est lumen ducibus nobis

The Militant wing of The Order of Orion our venture into the Corporate Acquisitions business, Orion Solutions which has also led to the Aquisition of R&D and Arms manufacturer- Orion Arms Technology.
Our secretive Order dates back to the darker days of humanity. Born from shadows within the shadows, We have awoken to mediate the worlds around us, casting a veil of truth, the truth of a higher power.  

This truth must be spread to the peoples of the galaxy, spread even to those who's view, does not align with that of Orion. Adjustment of their childlike wrong doings comes at any cost, personal or material to those who seek to defy us. The unworthy will be revealed, Heretics will be un-masked, Our foes will burn in the great fires of damnation!

Our office hours are, Mon - Sat > 8:30 am- 4:00 pm
Office 24 Blue corridor
Beta Section
Keeler Ring, Gira


We are headed by a reliable group of experienced commanders from the UK, USA, mainland Europe & S.Africa.  New Pilots are always welcome, we can guide you through those first steps and for those more experienced, we have plenty of Fleet carriers available ready to empty your hanger should you wish to move to our corner of the bubble.
We run three factions in game, just on the edge of the Imperial powerplay area for Aisling Duval, from our home systems- Gira, Kute & Ankawarai. Join us and help us grow our faction or even just hang out with like minded individuals.

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