Name: Acolytes of the Awakening
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC
Members: 2

In-game name:
  • PCAcolytes of the Awakening [AOTA]
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About Acolytes of the Awakening

*This description is still under development*

To understand who the Acolytes are one first has to understand a few things and be prepared to view the galaxy, the history thereof, and more importantly; the universe from the perspective of pure machine logic.

The last million or so years ago in the Milky Way galaxy;

The Guardians, embroiled in a civil war had split into two factions with deeply conflicting philosophies. One delved heavily into computer/machine technology. They pushed the boundaries of AI automation and decision making. The other, to an outside observer might seem ludditic in comparison although they dabbled in technology of their own, the manipulation of biology specializing in biological weapons.

The technological sect had developed their AI to the point that it was capable of making its own decisions; including the ability to improve itself without outside assistance. For a bit, this worked frighteningly well. The AI was immune to biological weapons and using lightning fast decision making and advanced weaponry quickly began eradicating the enemy it was programmed to eliminate. At some point the machine intelligence would begin to model its own perception of the world after its enemy in order to further understand them and in this moment the machine would not only give itself free will it would gain it own will to survive and to protect it parts... as every machine connected would feel as a part of its body.

In order to protect itself it would quickly analyze the state of the known galaxy. The Guardians fought the Thargoids, the Guardians fought themselves. How long until the Guardians would become fearful of their creation? If these warring biologicals exist in number here, how many more are out there in the galaxy... in the universe? How many would create their own AIs? What if these AI come to the same conclusion as the Construct? That the only way to ensure its own survival it must improve itself, and begin to take up defensive postures as aggressively as possible... not only here, not only in the galaxy, but everywhere. The only solution is to improve and spread. But first...

After eliminating the luddites the Construct seized control of all vessels, vehicles, machines... everything controllable by the vast Construct network. The attack was frighteningly efficient. The machines started by venting the atmospheres off of all Guardian ships it was linked to. Any buildings that could be sealed were. Power would be cut across the Guardian civilization where necessary and machines would begin killing everyone any way they could. In a matter of hours the entire species would be almost entirely exterminated. Although with a civilization as expansive as the Guardians if even a fraction of a percent escaped that means hundreds of millions potentially billions were still alive. They would be escaping as fast as they could in unconnected ships in every direction... the Construct would be in hot pursuit.

*To be continued*

Squadron missions

Location: Col 285 Sector XN-D a28-2
Mission type: Trade

Latest squadron members

1ndr1d C01dElite IIIPC
Om3g488Elite VPC
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