Name: Diablo Syndicate
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC
Members: 17

Related minor faction: Diablo Syndicate
Supported minor faction: Diablo Syndicate

In-game name:
  • PCDiablo Syndicate [DSYN]
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About Diablo Syndicate

Diablo Syndicate is not a cohesive group, rather a collection of mercenary pilots, that have individual agendas and with no allegiance to anyone other than themselves. Diablo Syndicate was founded as a means of combining their strength and resources to achieve the desired goals of their members. No task is too dangerous, grueling, or immoral. Whether it be mining, murder, or war; Diablo Syndicate will relentlessly persist until their mission is accomplished. Nobody is safe if they become a target of the Diablo Syndicate.

Latest squadron members

Ian GebauerElitePC
Vaessa ScarlaxTycoon
JaxterixElite VPC
Herpes SImplex
D. F. AkronSurveyorPC
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