Name: Skulljack Security Contractors
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC
Members: 7

Related minor faction: VecKyne Independent

In-game name:
  • XBSkulljack Security Contractors [SJSC]
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About Skulljack Security Contractors

Founded by Michael Kessik and his Wife/Copilot Eva, The Skulljacks are easily dismissed as a Private Military Contracting group.
The truth is that they are a universal freelancing contract and consulting operation that prefer to work with Humanitarian Relief groups and Expansion operations
rather then Just being guns-for-hire. Founded in 3300 based off the Business partnership between Vecos Dejereaux and Bregia Kyne (VecKyne Independent) and the Founder of the SJSC.
Pooling resources and observing economy trends as well as consistent pleas for emergency assistance being brought to the SJSC's attention, Kessik agreed to move his force to the Achan System
to Establish a "Home" for VecKyne Independent and the Contracting firm that so recently left SOL and SIRIUS.

The Squadron consists of pilots from Altair,Bhritzameno,Hollatja,Tollan,Sirius,Sol, and many other systems. All are likeminded and hand-selected by Kessik with the intention of fulfilling any and all
needs that VecKyne may have in the future to Hold a Monopoly on the Contracts provided by said Faction.

Latest squadron members

Damiyen AldonBrokerXB
SJ PandoraCompetent
SJ EldunariBrokerXB
SJ WeaselEntrepreneurXB
SJ PsychoMostly HarmlessXB
SJ DiamondbackBrokerXB
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