Name: Kyoryu Sentai
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC
Members: 4

Related minor faction: Movement for Ys for Equality

In-game name:
  • PCKyoryu Sentai [FYFE]
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About Kyoryu Sentai

The Kyoryu Squadron was formed by the Movement For Ys For Equality after the succesfull war for Independece in Ys to maintain the Independency and freedom of Ys.

The Movement started to gain power during the rise of the NMLA due to the goals of an independent democratic state within the empire, but it distanced itself from the NMLA and the terrorist attacks quickly. After several battles were fought against the former communist regime and imperial corporations they managed to ensure their victory and the independence of Ys.

Shortly after gaining full control the Movement established the Kyoryu Sentai which poses as a special forces unit directly under the control of the government to defend Ys from foreign aggression and assure peace in the system.

We are a friendly squadron open to new players or veterans and happy to accept newcomers

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