Name: Kumo Crew
Allegiance: Independent
Power: Archon Delaine
Language: English
Timezone: UTC
Members: 78

Related minor faction: Kumo Council
Related minor faction: The Razor Whips
Supported minor faction: Kumo Council
Supported minor faction: The Razor Whips

In-game name:
  • PCKumo Crew [KUMO]
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About Kumo Crew


The Kumo Crew is the one and only semi-official Archon Delaine Powerplay community and we organize any Powerplay related activity for the sake of Archon Delaine, with the only goal to spread the Pirate King's grip around the Bubble.

We support only the LIVE (4.0) version of the game, Elite Odyssey or Horizons.

Powerplay is a sort of end-game for Elite Dangerous... and it is probably one of the worst designed but in the same time most engaging game mechanics of Elite Dangerous, playing Powerplay for the sake of the Power itself and not just for module-shopping will give you the opportunity to do background simulation activities (BGS), pure powerplay activities such undermining and fortifying, and if we are lucky even some organic PvP against our ancestral enemies.


The Kumo Crew has few simple rules, but you've got to respect them if you want to be part of us:

  • we only play in OPEN for any activity, Powerplay or BGS related, or even grinding engineers, if you need help in some hot areas just ask us
  • combat logging, either task of menu logging is strictly forbidden
  • you cannot block any CMDR for any reason: we do not want to avoid our enemies that way
  • we do not do any kind of 5C activity, in any case


Every activity in the Kumo Crew is managed in our Discord Server: if you want be part of our group click here to join our Discord Server!


Powerplay is very complex and maybe one of the most comprehensive way to play Elite Dangerous: of course we prefer seasoned players, but if you are a rookie and feel to be Kumo Crew material you can join us either way, we will try to point you to the fastest ways to complete the necessary grind that this game asks to his players. Our activities can be divided in Powerplay activities, BGS activities and PvP.


Fortifications and Preparations are necessary to prevent our enemies to attack us, so an amount of hauling will be necessary (even if not strictly required).
Undermining is one of our specialties, if you are new to that we will show you how to be most effective, giving targets increasingly more difficult.
Same goes for Expansions, may they be ours or our enemies'.
Every Powerplay activity is strictly planned by our leadership, that's because mastering Powerplay is a tough task and a CMDR could damage Archon Delaine as a Power even if you do positive actions with the better intentions.

Background Simulation

a.k.a. BGS: this is a most important strategic part of Powerplay and we will only play for factions with these governments:
  • Confederacy
  • Cooperative
  • Communism
  • So no Anarchy nor any other Government, this doesn't depend from us, that's just how Powerplay works.


    We have some very active PvPers and we go often looking for our enemies around the Galaxy: we organise training sessions to help people improve their PvP skills. Our advice is to join our official Squadrons:

  • YouTube

    We have active YT video producers, many of our CMDRs manage their own channels, but our main (let's say "official") ones are the following:
  • Kumo Ministry of Information
  • Rebel Yell 82nd's Channel