Name: Imperial Enforcement Division
Allegiance: Empire
Power: Arissa Lavigny-Duval
Language: English
Timezone: London
Members: 166
Related minor faction: Imperial Enforcement Division
In-game name:
Allegiance: Empire
Power: Arissa Lavigny-Duval
Language: English
Timezone: London
Members: 166
Related minor faction: Imperial Enforcement Division
In-game name:
- PCImperial Enforcement Division [IEDS]
- XBImperial Enforcement Division [IEDS]
About Imperial Enforcement Division
We were originally a group of mixed pilots of various backgrounds; traders, explorers and bounty hunters who got fed up with the scourge of pirates and murderers in the galaxy.
At the battle of Chi Lin we decided to band together in our trade ships and a few combat capable ships and, alone, not only repelled this attack, but managed to decimate the force and chase them out of the system (taking many casualties in the attempt).
After the battle, after the smoke had settled, the community, themselves, asked the group to stick together and thus the IED was born.
Since this day we have vowed to keep Imperial assets and civilians safe but have, on many occasions, found ourselves behind "enemy lines" defending federation citizens from the same murderers who plague Imperial space.