Name: Imperial Secret Navy
Allegiance: Empire
Power: Aisling Duval
Language: English
Timezone: UTC
Members: 6

Related minor faction: Imperial Secret Navy
Supported minor faction: Marauders Vanguard
Supported minor faction: HyperSpace Reapers

In-game name:
  • PSImperial Confederate Navy [SICN]
  • XBImperial ROYAL Navy [SIRN]
  • PCImperial Secret Navy [LISN]
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About Imperial Secret Navy

The Imperial Secret Navy, is a specialized division of highly trained pilots that operate in secret, often behind enemy lines. Since they are not known to the rest of the Imperial Navy or the majority of the Imperial Government the ISN has a different set of ROE. They are authorized to seek out and destroy anything they see as a hostile whether its Imperial or not, to protect the betterment of the Empire. When they are not on assignment, most of the ISN pilots specialize in Bounty Hunting. Secretly, the ISN does not recognize the current seat of power and seek to over throw it in favor of Aisling Duval.

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