Name: Sacra Oculus
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC
Members: 4

Related minor faction: Sacra Oculus
Related minor faction: Zenith Squadron
Supported minor faction: Sacra Oculus
Supported minor faction: Zenith Squadron

In-game name:
  • PCSacra Oculus [SOLD]
  • XBSacra Oculus [XSOS]
  • PSSacra Oculus [SOLD]
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About Sacra Oculus

Following exile by the Federation for an alleged terrorist attack on the Luna Subway, the Faithful of Sacra Oculus fled from Federal jurisdiction and a vengeful mob to the quiet and tranquil sanctuary of Daniel's Folly, Synuefe BT-F d12-54.  Where, in the subterranean caverns beneath the base, the Faithful were able to continue to follow unmolested, their faith of the End of Days and pay homage to the Creator.

For the last few years, the Faithful of Sacra Oculus have been engaged in illegal rare trade commodities and our success resulted in a significant number of player groups joining the Crusade to Liberate Rares.  To this day, representatives of those player groups are on our Discord, where they are tagged as Rares Liberators.  The introduction of Powerplay eventually saw the demise of rare trade commodities as it requires a specific Government type to enable production of those rares and the introduction of Powerplay saw a gradual erosion of the value of rare trade commodities, which at one time, were the back bone of the player economy.

Thus it was written in the Sacred Text of the Creator, that the Faithful sought a new purpose.  They found it in manipulating the Background Simulation, which is the true engine of the game's entire economy and States.  To this end over the forthcoming years, the Faithful of Sacra Oculus became renowned for good or ill, with the inherent knowledge needed to topple Governments, trash economies and generally hasten those who would be heathens, to see the error of their ways.

Sacra Oculus as an Independent Theocracy does not permit (hard coded into the game) Slaves, Imperial Slaves or Consumer Technology.  Slaves and Imperial Slaves are mere Human and therefore equal in the eyes of the Creator and it would be unjust and Heresy to exploit such people.  Consumer Technology is a Wicked Sin as it distracts the Faithful from their devotions to the Creator.

If ever you have heard of the '749 then you will know what it refers to.  For those who do not, we and many Rares Liberators sought to make an illegal booze legal in the station where it was produced.  So we created a Community Goal with Frontier and bribed officials at the station with illegal booze to make the production of Indi Bourbon in the Epsilon Indi system legal.

These days we work solely in the backgrounds, forging friendship and alliances, some which stretch back to the very start of the game and many of our players are 84's, namely those who played the original Elite back in 1984.  So we are mature and also attract younger players.  We know the game inside and out and have a reputation in game of getting things done.

Now if you have read all this and want to go down the rabbit hole, then look us up on Discord.  We are deliberately small by design.  Yet our overall influence is far reaching.

Latest squadron members

Angelieque VooDooEntrepreneurPC
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