Name: Thargoid Conservation Society
Allegiance: Thargoids
Language: English
Timezone: UTC
Members: 14

In-game name:
  • PCThargoid Conservation Society [TCSE]
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About Thargoid Conservation Society

The Thargoids are a sentient race long misunderstood and mistreated by humanity. Even after centuries of atrocities and unwarranted aggression, humanity is still determined to drag millennia of rampant racism and xenophobia out to the stars with them. Even today, bigoted organizations like the AXI make a cruel bloodsport of hunting the Thargoid population, all for nothing more than empty trophies.

Some saw through the human propaganda to the awful and unjust state of affairs, and took it upon themselves to begin the Conservationist cause. They were labeled as outlaws and ostracized for their noble beliefs in equality for all species, facing years of abuse and slander from an unenlightened Galaxy. These brave souls are recognized for their contributions to the early days of the movement.

In recent times, the Conservationist movement has only grown as commanders from all walks of life begin to see the injustice in the persecution of the Thargoid race by the so-called "anti-xeno activists" - a sugar coated euphemism for speciest bigots.

The Thargoid Conservation Society was formed by Commanders who saw the errors in our ways. We wish to undo the harm we've caused to the individuals and ecosystems of the Thargoid species by dedicating our lives to conserving their kind and bringing illegal unlicensed murderers to justice. That is our history, and our future is in the hands of all Commanders here.

Latest squadron members

Hadi Poker FaceElitePC
CluelessGuyElite IIPC
Much DogeElitePC
Smooth StreetsElitePC
Julius GeezerTycoonPC
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