| Alpha Void Assembly | | | | Independent | - | - |
| Ameziane Synthetics Exchange | | | | Independent | S | - |
| Arai Horticultural Nursery | Kats Brotherhood | Agriculture | Anarchy | Independent | L | 900 Ls |
| Aravena Cultivations | HIP 115501 Blue Netcoms Comms | Agriculture | Corporate | Independent | L | 1,190 Ls |
| Barthwal Nutrition Enterprise | HIP 115501 Blue Netcoms Comms | Agriculture | Corporate | Independent | L | 2,798 Ls |
| Bauwens's Expedition | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Military | Patronage | Empire | M | 3,881 Ls |
| Bell Mineralogic Platform | HIP 115501 Blue Netcoms Comms | Extraction | Corporate | Independent | L | 1,185 Ls |
| Benton Manufacturing Base | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 1,197 Ls |
| Bergmann Industrial Hub | Kats Brotherhood | Industrial | Anarchy | Independent | S | 2,246 Ls |
| Bhasin's Locus | Kats Brotherhood | Tourism | Anarchy | Independent | M | 894 Ls |
| Bohm Prospecting Station | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Extraction | Patronage | Empire | L | 903 Ls |
| Bolton Hub | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Extraction/Industrial | Patronage | Empire | M | 221 Ls |
| Bueckardt's Lot | Kats Brotherhood | Tourism | Anarchy | Independent | M | 895 Ls |
| Byeon Visitor Complex | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Tourism | Patronage | Empire | L | 1,187 Ls |
| Cabot Bastion | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Military | Patronage | Empire | L | 3,812 Ls |
| Cabrera Mining Territory | Kats Brotherhood | Extraction | Anarchy | Independent | S | 1,185 Ls |
| Calvo Command | Kats Brotherhood | Military | Anarchy | Independent | M | 3,810 Ls |
| Cha Mining Territory | Independents of HIP 115501 | Extraction | Democracy | Independent | L | 895 Ls |
| Charitou Horticultural Estate | Kats Brotherhood | Agriculture | Anarchy | Independent | S | 1,177 Ls |
| Charman Stop | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Tourism | Patronage | Empire | M | 1,191 Ls |
| Choi's Joy | Kats Brotherhood | Tourism | Anarchy | Independent | L | 901 Ls |
| Clarke Agricultural Estate | Kats Brotherhood | Agriculture | Anarchy | Independent | S | 896 Ls |
| Colley Botanical Plantation | | | | Independent | S | - |
| Cooper's Fortification | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Military | Patronage | Empire | M | 3,879 Ls |
| Costa Industrial Workshop | | | | Independent | S | - |
| Costa Manufacturing Plant | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 2,766 Ls |
| Daisley Mining Base | HIP 115501 Blue Netcoms Comms | Extraction | Corporate | Independent | S | 2,813 Ls |
| Davies's Constructions | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | S | 731 Ls |
| Dewan Agricultural Site | Kats Brotherhood | Agriculture | Anarchy | Independent | S | 893 Ls |
| Dias Beacon | | | | Independent | - | - |
| Diaw Extraction Enterprise | | | | Independent | S | - |
| Doroshenko Dredging Site | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Extraction | Patronage | Empire | L | 894 Ls |
| Eadon Industrial Facility | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 2,784 Ls |
| Ele Military Armoury | HIP 115501 Empire Consulate | Military | Patronage | Empire | M | 3,807 Ls |
| Eudoxus Oasis +++ | Kats Brotherhood | | | Independent | - | - |
| Ferreira Mineralogic Complex | Kats Brotherhood | Extraction | Anarchy | Independent | S | 897 Ls |
| Fuentes Outpost | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Military | Patronage | Empire | L | 3,809 Ls |
| Gallardo Manufacturing Installation | Kats Brotherhood | Industrial | Anarchy | Independent | L | 901 Ls |
| Garcia Cultivation Site | Kats Brotherhood | Agriculture | Anarchy | Independent | S | 898 Ls |
| Garnier Engineering Silo | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 2,791 Ls |
| Gill's Fortress | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Military | Patronage | Empire | M | 3,809 Ls |
| Gonchar Cultivation Estate | HIP 115501 Blue Netcoms Comms | Agriculture | Corporate | Independent | S | 894 Ls |
| Gorbanenko Extraction Territory | HIP 115501 Empire Consulate | Extraction | Patronage | Empire | L | 1,180 Ls |
| Griffin Synthetics Holdings | HIP 115501 Blue Netcoms Comms | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | L | 2,248 Ls |
| Grinchenko Agricultural Farm | | | | Independent | S | - |
| Gwon Engineering Silo | HIP 115501 Blue Netcoms Comms | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | M | 3,810 Ls |
| Hakimi's Syntheticals | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | S | 2,250 Ls |
| Harada Defence Enterprise | HIP 115501 Blue Netcoms Comms | Military | Corporate | Independent | M | 3,812 Ls |
| Hennessy Nurseries | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | S | 1,180 Ls |
| Herrera Manufacturing Workshop | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | S | 2,818 Ls |
| Hickey Military Garrison | Kats Brotherhood | Military | Anarchy | Independent | M | 896 Ls |
| Hume Vision | | | | Independent | - | - |
| Isherwood Landing + | Kats Brotherhood | | | Independent | - | - |
| Kava Drilling Installation | HIP 115501 Empire Consulate | Extraction | Patronage | Empire | S | 2,833 Ls |
| Kedige Prospecting Territory | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Extraction | Patronage | Empire | L | 890 Ls |
| Keeler Refinery ++ | Kats Brotherhood | | | Independent | - | - |
| Khatri Arms Facility | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Military | Patronage | Empire | M | 3,812 Ls |
| Kolev Chemical Holdings | HIP 115501 Blue Netcoms Comms | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | S | 1,180 Ls |
| Kuharenko Munitions Site | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Military | Patronage | Empire | M | 2,248 Ls |
| Kyrylo Hostel | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Tourism | Patronage | Empire | L | 1,193 Ls |
| Laghari Drilling Platform | Kats Brotherhood | Extraction | Anarchy | Independent | L | 2,766 Ls |
| Lagos Shelter | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Tourism | Patronage | Empire | L | 3,875 Ls |
| Lamar Chemical Foundry | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | S | 1,179 Ls |
| Leckey Manufacturing Complex | Kats Brotherhood | Industrial | Anarchy | Independent | S | 124 Ls |
| Leighton's Drilling | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Extraction | Patronage | Empire | L | 1,193 Ls |
| Leroy Manufacturing Hub | HIP 115501 Blue Netcoms Comms | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | M | 2,787 Ls |
| Lopes Synthetics Foundry | Kats Brotherhood | Industrial | Anarchy | Independent | L | 3,805 Ls |
| Malik Chemical Plant | Kats Brotherhood | Industrial | Anarchy | Independent | S | 896 Ls |
| Mancini Synthetics Assembly | Kats Brotherhood | Industrial | Anarchy | Independent | L | 895 Ls |
| Matarov Drilling Station | Kats Brotherhood | Extraction | Anarchy | Independent | L | 733 Ls |
| Menariya Industrial | HIP 115501 Empire Consulate | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | S | 2,792 Ls |
| Merle's Progress | | | | Independent | - | - |
| Mikoyan Base | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Military | Patronage | Empire | L | 2,778 Ls |
| Mnogogrishny Cultivation Range | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | S | 898 Ls |
| Modi Defence Site | Kats Brotherhood | Military | Anarchy | Independent | L | 2,798 Ls |
| Mofu Engineering Depot | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 2,800 Ls |
| Moller Manufacturing Base | | | | Independent | S | - |
| Morales Deposits | Kats Brotherhood | Extraction | Anarchy | Independent | S | 897 Ls |
| Mulford Horticultural Centre | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | S | 897 Ls |
| Myeni Chemical Site | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | S | 886 Ls |
| Navarro's Productions | HIP 115501 Empire Consulate | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 894 Ls |
| Neborak Engineering Foundry | HIP 115501 Blue Netcoms Comms | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | L | 2,245 Ls |
| Ngidi Foods | HIP 115501 Empire Consulate | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | S | 899 Ls |
| Nomen Vision | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 713 Ls |
| Nxasana Nutrition Exchange | HIP 115501 Empire Consulate | | | Independent | - | - |
| Okoro Industrial Base | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | S | 1,180 Ls |
| Olatunji Chemical Works | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | M | 2,803 Ls |
| Osei Cultivation Base | Kats Brotherhood | Agriculture | Anarchy | Independent | S | 1,182 Ls |
| Oshpak Synthetics Facility | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | S | 3,813 Ls |
| Osman Industries | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | S | 2,779 Ls |
| Park Tourist Lodge | Independents of HIP 115501 | Tourism | Democracy | Independent | M | 890 Ls |
| Petrenko Synthetics | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 2,799 Ls |
| Piserchia Horizons | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Colony | Patronage | Empire | L | 3,808 Ls |
| Pizarro's Jewel | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Tourism | Patronage | Empire | L | 897 Ls |
| Qiao Industrial Productions | HIP 115501 Blue Netcoms Comms | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | L | 2,806 Ls |
| Rivera's Camp | HIP 115501 Blue Netcoms Comms | Military | Corporate | Independent | M | 2,245 Ls |
| Rocha Botanical Complex | Kats Brotherhood | Agriculture | Anarchy | Independent | S | 894 Ls |
| Saunders's Chemicals | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | S | 891 Ls |
| Savchenko Engineering Silo | Kats Brotherhood | Industrial | Anarchy | Independent | S | 898 Ls |
| Scholz Metallurgic Platform | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Extraction | Patronage | Empire | L | 896 Ls |
| Scholz Synthetics Plant | HIP 115501 Empire Consulate | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | M | 2,233 Ls |
| Schulz Tourist Complex | Kats Brotherhood | Tourism | Anarchy | Independent | M | 1,183 Ls |
| Schunmann Chemical Works | | | | Independent | S | - |
| Semwal Chemical Plant | Kats Brotherhood | Industrial | Anarchy | Independent | L | 901 Ls |
| Shi Synthetics Enterprise | HIP 115501 Empire Consulate | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | S | 1,198 Ls |
| Silver Water View | | | | Independent | - | - |
| Stevens Beacon + | HIP 115501 Blue Netcoms Comms | | | Independent | - | - |
| Suzuki Military Barracks | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Military | Patronage | Empire | L | 2,233 Ls |
| Syrotuk Manufacturing Site | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | M | 3,810 Ls |
| Takeuchi Drilling Facility | HIP 115501 Blue Netcoms Comms | Extraction | Corporate | Independent | S | 1,185 Ls |
| Tarasenko Forge | Kats Brotherhood | Industrial | Anarchy | Independent | L | 124 Ls |
| Taylor Mineralogic Exchange | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Extraction | Patronage | Empire | L | 885 Ls |
| Thollon Landing | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Colony | Patronage | Empire | L | 2,233 Ls |
| Tikwa Nutrition Enterprise | Kats Brotherhood | Agriculture | Anarchy | Independent | S | 903 Ls |
| Toro Manufacturing Forge | | | | Independent | S | - |
| United Reflection Core | HIP 115501 Blue Netcoms Comms | | | Independent | - | - |
| Villalba Arms Base | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Military | Patronage | Empire | M | 3,881 Ls |
| Vinet's Garrison | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Military | Patronage | Empire | M | 3,877 Ls |
| Wallin Base | | | | Independent | - | - |
| Walter Industrial Base | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | S | 901 Ls |
| Wandrei Camp +++ | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | | | Independent | - | - |
| Webb Industrial Hub | Kats Brotherhood | Industrial | Anarchy | Independent | L | 901 Ls |
| Zhu Station | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Industrial/Extraction | Patronage | Empire | M | 124 Ls |